This is Lillian toward the end of our day... she's taking a much needed rest on the living room floor after a long and event filled day! It all began with a fun play group at 9:00... Lillian got up at 8:00, so that meant being showered and out the door by 8:30 if we wanted to get there in time. For those who know how time consuming it can be to feed, bathe and dress a toddler, 30 minutes isn't a lot of time! Needless to say, we were 25 minutes late, but we made it! After play group ended, we drove home and took an hour nap before driving into Livermore for her 15 month well-baby checkup. The check up went very well except that Lillian has developed a fear for the Dr.'s office and pretty much screamed her head off the whole time... She got another two shots: pertussis and flu/H1N1, which explains her extreme reaction... go figure... doesn't like being poked by needles... who does?! After picking up her fluoride prescription and dropping off some prenatal documents at the OB department, we went to Target to pick up some spill proof bowls for her snacks. Seriously, if you have a need for something, it's very probable some inventor has come up with the exact product to satisfy that need! I've been going months wishing for exactly what I found at Target today! Thank you, Jennifer, for letting me know about them! Woo-hoo, no more picking up spilled and crushed cheddar bunnies from the carpet! After Target, we dropped off some CD's at the library, went for a nature walk, drove home and proceeded to put together our new computer desk and chair, which took approximately 2 hours... Lillian helped out by sneaking off and hiding critical pieces, which made a boring chore more interesting for sure! Once finished, we ate some broccoli and pasta, took a bath, got our P.J.'s on cuddled with daddy on the sofa, read a couple of stories and went to bed... What an exhausting day, but the funny thing is, yesterday was only a little bit busier than usual, but enough to where we were both exhausted once it was over!

Pucker up! Lillian was like, "I'm too tired for this..."

"O.K., just one more picture! Smile... smmmiiiiiillllllee... all right, just look at the camera :)"